He has done it in grand style - the next US President!!!
There's no more problems with US Party Politics. President Obama has swept to an astonishing election victory in the 2008 race. It's simply phenomenal that he won by such an overwhelming majority.
There were problems in the Barack Obama camp early on - but they were coming from insinuations against them by Republicans. The Democrat Presidential hopeful has the media in a buzz; the world spotlight engulfing his campaign.
Time will tell how Mr. Obama will be tested - especially on his policy towards Israel and the Mid-East.
What is clear is that there is a slither of uncertainty about the Barack Obama persona. Some have claimed that he can't seem to give a straight answer that he doesn't retract or modify at some later point. Some say that he is feverishly trying to defend his faith - while avoiding wanting to be associated in any way with the Islamic faith - although his family has a strong connection to it. Some questioned why would he so vehemently reject linkage to Islam?
It must be known that he is now the vessel of change; of peace between the various religious persuasions.
What is the problem anyway? The problem is not that he has allegiance to any religion - covertly or otherwise, it's perhaps that some felt he was trying to secure the vote by any means necessary. That's politics people are saying, but it is more than that - it borders on chicanery. But they all do it - others say.
Regardless the man has triumphed - kudos to him and to the Democrats.
A job well done, well run and well won!!!