June 5, 2008

Can Obama be trusted?

The words roll off his tongue but the true colors of this Presidential hopeful remain hidden.

Barack Obama - the Democrat Presidential nominee may be a lot of things, but credible he most certainly isn't.

His campaign is peppered with smart talking rhetoric and big ideas, but the bottom line is his true motivation on US Foreign Policy remains unclear.

Recently Obama was seen embracing members of AIPAC in what the Democrats know is a key vote-clincher in their chances of securing the bid for the White House in 2008.

Barack Hussein Obama is constantly defending himself - taking rearguard action - against the vast majority of people who question his past; his affiliations and his religious persuasion.

A key issue is his stance on Israel's security - something the one-time Senator of Illinois and four-time Arizona Senator John McCain are looking to exploit.

Barack Obama has not only cleverly phrased his stance on diplomacy with rogue states; he has made sweeping promises and later had his campaign public spokesmen repudiate such statements soon after.

For example: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," was what Obama said to a crowd of 7000 people at an AIPAC conference. His team later altered that statement which now reads: "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties as part of an agreement that they both can live with..."

This apparent about-turn is what Obama is constantly doing in his election bid - especially regarding the War on Terror; Iran and other sponsors of terrorism. Obama is big on words and even bigger on exploiting American fatigue over an Iraq war effort that is actually a deterrent to a potentially nuclear-armed Iran.

Barack Obama is shrouded in mystery and for that to be the case with the most powerful man on the planet, is totally unacceptable. Senator McCain brings real experience to the table while trying to distance himself from the perceived failures of the Bush administration.

While voters busy themselves with the process of electing a candidate, this campaign is about more than change, it is about a better America with improved security. This is not a gamble; this is a challenge best left to experienced hands.