Iran's nuclear weapons intentions are clear
The Obama presidency has moved into it's second year and all signs are on the table that this is going to be his defining year.
And the pressing issues at stake are not those related to economic criteria or health care coverage (although they are certainly pressing domestic concerns). Obama's most important challenges relate directly to Iran.
That the American President is reluctant to engage the Iranian leadership in any way other than a multinational initiative aka sanctions, is worrying.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been the most crippling impediments to the popularity of the all former administrations, most notably the Bush administration..
President Obama wants to be seen as the champion of democracy, of a new outreach program to the Arab world and as the great apologist for American unilateralism in world affairs.
These overt displays of leadership ineptitude are already having dramatic repercussions in the Middle East. Turkey - a secular nation that toed the line with Washington is now increasingly being advised by religious zealots. Sadly the days of a neutral-leaning Turkey are over. Recent undertones in Ankara suggest that this populous Muslim nation is now firmly in the hands of those on the side of anti-Israel advocates.
That Damascus has warmed relations with Turkey is also cause for concern. The Syrians are now firmly in Turkey's pocket and any concept of neutral arbitration in peace efforts between Israel and Syria is a pipe dream. The Americans recently posted an envoy to Syria and despite Syria still being on a terrorist sponsoring list, the USA is clearly trying to normalize relations with Syria.
Lebanon is now officially being represented at the highest levels by Hizballah. This radical, Tehran-backed terrorist group, is now firmly entrenched in government and are now official rulers alongside the moderate Lebanese leadership.
These are worrying signs for Israel and for peace in the Middle East. It cannot be stressed enough that the alliances and shifts taking place are ominous signs. Syria, Lebanon, Iran and now Turkey all share common interests and none of them are good for Israel.
While the EU, America, Canada and the IAEA see the dire threat that Iran's nuclear weaponization program entails, it is the implementation of empty threats that they are trying to punish Iran with. These carrot and stick initiatives are having no effect whatsoever.
Israel is increasingly concerned that the international community's impotence will lead to Israel's very own destruction. As such it has tried to rally support from the nations of the world in favour of stopping Iran's nuclear enrichment. This diplomatic track is having very little success and in all likelihood will fail.
Tehran is emboldened by its alliances with Syria, Lebanon and Turkey and will not cease operations for the likes of Western powers and the Security Council. It is Iranian pride that is keeping the fires burning and it is that same Iranian pride that will ignite a powder-keg of nationalist pride should any nation dare to attack Iran.
The result - if President Obama continues with his liberal and ineffectual doctrine in the Middle East will be Israel's demise and that of the free world. It is time for the American President to mix tough words with tough action, even if it means making unilateral decisions.