The relative calm enjoyed by Jews in South Africa is slowly but surely coming to an end as marked by increasingly virulent anti-Israel sentiment; brewing Antisemitism and a government and media that is unwilling and unable to combat this prejudicial scourge upon the Jewish People. In the following link - supplied by, Anti-Semitism in all its tardiness and grotesqueness is displayed. These are the reactions of pro-Palestinian supporters at a leading South African university - the University of the Witwatersrand - to Israel's historic 60th birthday celebrations.
It must be borne in mind that there has been a paradigm shift in South African political affiliation in regards to the Mideast crisis. While the apartheid government saw fit to identify itself more with Israel - despite the fact that Antisemitism was rampant within National Party circles, the ANC has gone the other way. The absurdity of NP politics and the apartheid regime - a miserable, repressive dictatorship of sinister proportions was that none of their founding members were even steadfast adherents of their vile creed. The ideologues of apartheid in Verwoerd and Malan and their ilk was lost on that generation. For none of their successors had the courage of their convictions to continue in their acerbic; irascible manner. Indeed the days of prejudice and intolerance within the NP were over. Like rats scurrying from a sinking ship, one Afrikaner after another abandoned the NP and joined ranks with the monolithic ANC - hoping not only to secure some waning influence, but more importantly to serve their selfish financial interests.
This begs the question: where are these ideologues today? Where are the hardcore Afrikaners who desperately fought to ensure the survival of their culture; their traditions and way of life? Where is the inimitable Boer - a champion on the frontiers of an African land. The Boer is gone. He is a shadow of himself; lost in the transition; faded and jaded as he limps between places today. The Boer of old is a broken man hiding behind the excuse of a united nation. His fears have silenced him; his spirit sunken and his assimilation complete. A pocket of them stubbornly resist the change but it is these fools, stalwarts of the past, that make a mockery of a once proud people. And as the rapid, widespread changes take root, it is not only the Boer that has become entrenched in yesteryear. It is now the African foreigners who are subjected to daily pogroms of vile, putrefying hatred. Xenophobia - the likes of which are sweeping across the pages of the world media is as savage as it can get. Innocent men, women and children are having their families torn apart by sheer carnage, savagery and inhuman conduct. Murders; brutal attacks and broken glass - that's what many refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are facing today. Wave after wave of vicious onslaughts continue to plunder these defenseless people. Indeed history is repeating itself and one has to look no further than Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany to understand the parallels. Again the official silence is disquieting.
Now as Jews mark the 60th anniversary of Israel's Statehood, pro-Palestinian radicals have the shameless audacity and criminal voracity to spew their ill-informed hate-filled rhetoric all over this once prestigious University Campus. Their misguided tripe; replete with Jew-hatred is all pervasive. That the shift in political circles in favour of the Palestinians has been firmly entrenched only serves to strengthen the argument of Jew-haters the country over. Now the transformation is complete - the democratic Jewish state - Israel - has been tarred with the brush of apartheid; likened to Nazi Germany and been accused of crimes against humanity. Does such misguided vilification deserve a response: most certainly. The enemy of peace is radical Islam. The light is Israel. Whomsoever dares to challenge the autonomy; independence and right of Israel to exist does so at their own peril. The house of Judah has stood the test of time and the right of the people of Israel to live in peace, within secure borders, with friendly neighbours alongside an independent Palestine is undeniable.
The wanton violence in South Africa has claimed countless lives. It is not only minorities whose lives are being threatened, it is anybody and everybody. South Africa needs a champion of justice. It needs leadership capable of stemming the tide of societal decay. From over 120 000 Jews barely a decade ago, the Jewish community now stands around 65 000. Official statistics cite an increasing number of people emigrating - predominantly whites - statistics show in the region of 20% having already left the country. This trend cannot continue, not if South Africa wants to remain a competitive and viable destination for multi-national investment and tourism.
Click on HATRED for shocking graphic material