The Israeli Presidential Conference hosted by eminent world leader, Shimon Peres, was a resounding success.
The octogenarian showed no sign of slowing down as his desire to see the State of Israel securely placed among the developed nations of the world.
President Peres, flanked by President George Bush; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Barak was clearly reveling from the fantastic opportunities provided for Israeli unity.
An audience comprised of some of the most respected industry leaders; politicians and business people packed the auditorium as speaker after speaker commmanded the utmost respect.
Had it not been for people like Rupert Murdoch; Surgey Brin; Dennis Ross and Henry Kissinger the conference may not have been so impressive. But it was a resounding success owing to the committment of so many to the State of Israel.
While the notable exception of Arab delegates was apparent, it must nonetheless be noted that there were leaders from all part of the world - Africa; Eastern and Western Europe; North America and beyond. The global affiliation commmemorating Israe's 60 years as a State was marked by commitment and confidence.
There are challenges - great challenges; there are existential threats, but there is an iron will that is as resolute as the spirit free men not relinquish that most sacred value.